Signs that Someone Has Blocked You on iMessage


With the rise of instant messaging platforms, such as iMessage, it has become easier than ever to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues. However, there may be instances where you suspect that someone has blocked you on iMessage. In this article, we will explore some telltale signs that can help you determine if someone has indeed blocked you on iMessage.

No Delivery or Read Receipts

One of the first signs that someone may have blocked you on iMessage is the absence of delivery or read receipts. Normally, when you send a message to someone on iMessage, you will see a “Delivered” status once the message has been successfully sent to their device. Additionally, if the recipient has read receipts enabled, you will see a “Read” status when they have opened and read your message. However, if you notice that your messages are not being delivered or you are not receiving any read receipts, it could be an indication that you have been blocked.

No Profile Picture or Status Updates

Another clue that someone may have blocked you on iMessage is the absence of their profile picture or status updates. Usually, when you are in contact with someone on iMessage, you can see their profile picture and any updates they have made to their status. However, if you notice that the person’s profile picture is no longer visible and their status remains unchanged for an extended period, it could be a sign that they have blocked you.

Call and FaceTime Restrictions

In addition to iMessage, the blocking feature on iOS devices also extends to calls and FaceTime. If someone has blocked you on iMessage, it is likely that they have also restricted you from calling or FaceTiming them. If you attempt to call or FaceTime the person who has blocked you, you may notice that the call does not go through or that it goes straight to voicemail. However, it is important to note that this alone may not be conclusive evidence of being blocked, as the person could simply be unavailable or have their device in Do Not Disturb mode.

No Presence Indicator

iMessage typically shows a presence indicator next to a person’s name, indicating whether they are currently active or not. This presence indicator is denoted by a small green dot next to the person’s name. If you suspect that someone has blocked you on iMessage, you can check for the presence indicator. If the green dot is consistently missing next to their name, it could be an indication that they have blocked you or that they are not currently using iMessage.

Creating a Group Chat

If you are still unsure whether someone has blocked you on iMessage, you can try creating a group chat with the suspected person and a mutual contact. If the person has indeed blocked you, you will notice that they are not added to the group chat, and their name will not appear in the list of participants. However, it is important to note that this method may not always be foolproof, as the person may have simply left the group chat or disabled notifications for it.


While it can be disheartening to discover that someone has blocked you on iMessage, it is important to remember that there could be various reasons behind their decision. If you suspect that someone has blocked you, look out for signs such as the absence of delivery or read receipts, no profile picture or status updates, call and FaceTime restrictions, and the absence of a presence indicator. By observing these indicators, you can gain a better understanding of whether you have been blocked on iMessage.

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